Little things Mrs. Coaster does:
Leaves the cap off the toothpaste.
Laundry is her 'job' and she will take it down, sort, wash, dry, fold, then doesn't put it away... drives me batshit-insane to see piles of clean laundry everywhere. Yeah yeah, take it up yerself, I know... but when I mow the lawn, I finish the whole job, I don't leave the last step undone.
Things that just tick me off:
Last second lane-changers (they come up going way faster than you, and practically clip your bumper when they finally change lanes and pass) when the freeway is not busy. Come on you douche, there's plenty of space, do it sooner.
People who refer to themselves in 3rd person. Also, people who use the incorrect pronouns. "So, how are we today?" when addressing only me. ENGLISH, MOTHERF***ER! DO YOU SPEAK IT?
People who don't get my very dry and sarcastic sence of humor.
If you have any poo... fling it NOW!