Originally Posted by MonomAnny
Why not buy the X-Box 360 and the Wii?
A few points.
1) The minor rant: It's Xbox. No hyphen required.
2) With Bioshock, Halo 3, Forza 2, PGR4 (in 12 days) to name just the current classics, a 360 is never going to be a bad idea. Of course you then have all the playable but older games such as PGR3, Splinter Cell, Gears of War and the soon to be had games GTA4, Mass Effect, etc, etc
3) As MonomAnny says, in the UK you can get both the Xbox and the Wii for the exact same price as the PS3*.
Seems like an easy choice to me
*Based on basic packages from gameplay.com, better deals may exist, this was just the first and only place I looked.