Originally posted by BBtB
Okay I have been taking your advice and been flossing atleast once a day for the last several days. Now on my front teeth its not much of a problem (although they do hurt a bit) but on my back teeth I really can't get it in on alot of them and when I do it HURTS (even more so on the ones I have to push ALOT) My question is how much pressure should you be able to give your gums before they start to really hurt? And how important is it to get between EVERY tooth? There are some (even more so the back two on all sides) that I just can not seem to get it all the way in.
Yup you need to get them all, unfortunately. You don't need much pressure to do it well but technique means everything. Sounds silly but get your hygienist to give you a thorough demo. (Why do I hear porno music in the background??) I remember once seeing a sign in an office saying "You don't have to floss ALL of your teeth... Just the ones you want to keep." I wish I could say that it was an exaggeration.