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Old 09-28-2007, 02:45 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: Chicago's western burbs
1. Is not hung up on looks. Looks can and DO change.
2. Is willing to meet me halfway financially. I don't expect to not work while he does - he shouldn't either
3. Looking is not cheating. Talking /flirting is not cheating. But if someone else, of either gender, has had their lips/mouth/parts/etc. in contact with parts of your person that I consider MINE, don't come home. No explanation necessary, just don't come home. I'll do the same.
4. Someone who understands and agrees that we are not OPPOSED to more children, but it is nothing we are going to intentionally do. IE: If I get pregnant, it is not the end of the world, and something to find happiness in, but its NOT something either of us want to intentionally do.
5. I can deal with the occasional social drink or beer after work, (them) but I DONT drink. period. Myst be able to cope with the fact that I think more than one package of bottles of beer is too many in our refrigerator unless a party is imminent. Smoking is fine. Drugs other than ones prescribed TO YOU by a doctor are out of the question.
6. Must understand that no one has to be right. It is perfectly fine to have opposing viewpoints on things, just so long as its not the same person doing the compromising all the time.
7. Must not be pushy about religion. I have my own ideas on it, and will not push them on you, I expect the same in return.
8. Must never, ever send me to the auto parts store. I will not send you to buy tampons or other such personal girlie things, you will not send me to buy *insert part for car here*. I do not speak car.
9. Must be able to deal with me driving sometimes. I HATE other people driving me places. I can cope with you driving sometimes, but I drove professionally (limousine) for more than 4 years. I CAN and WILL drive sometimes.
10. Must have a libido and sexual creativity level at least equal to mine.

Last edited by Midnight; 09-28-2007 at 05:01 PM..
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