Originally Posted by Nisses
Political Correctness will be the death of common logic.
I don't think fixing this is "political correctness" - just common sense and courtesy when dealing with something that is more than "touchy" for Jewish people.
On a sidebard, given how much the US military spends on trying to take over the the rest of the world, I'd think 600K wouldn't even be a drop in the bucket. It's like, half a cruise missile. Just hold off on firing one of those puppies next month.
Originally Posted by QuasiMondo
They saw it coming down the pipe but wasn't worried for two reasons: 1 - Google maps didnt exist when those barracks were built back in the 1960's. 2- NAS Coronado, like all military installations has a no-fly zone around it, so the general population woud never see this building from the air.
You know, even so, you'd imagine that someone in a position of responsibility would have seen an overall blueprint (common when building something, those blueprints) and said: "Whoa, didn't we just beat the Nazis and liberate some death camps?"