Originally Posted by abaya
I'm not saying that the US has any right to be the world police. What I am saying is that if we are going to spew forth all kinds of bullshit rhetoric about "spreading democracy" and "freedom" and using that as a justification for starting quite clearly one of the most useless wars in history, then dammit, why don't we follow through and BE CONSISTENT about it. Which means acting on behalf of anyone fighting for democracy, anywhere, regardless of where our interests lie. This just goes to show you how much we really care about democracy, if you ask me.
And how is this going to be done without making things worse? Spreading democracy and freedom is backfiring in Iraq. It backfired when we pushed Israel to allow the Palestinans to hold elections, who then voted Hamas into power. There's a name for what you want the US to do, it's called Nation Building, and in most cases, it doesn't work as intended.