Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
I did see a quick blurb about this on the evening news. You're right. Since the only thing we know, generally, about them comes from "One Night In Bangkok," there is so little interest. I'm on my way to work, so I'll comment more later.
So this is not going wall-to-wall on US news stations? I'm just curious, because I've seen it on the front page of the online Seattle Times, and it's all over CNN, so I assumed everyone was seeing it as much as I was. I think this is the 11th or 12th day of protests so far, so it's not like breaking news or anything... but it's been on at 8am, 9am, etc every day that we've been here.
Originally Posted by JumpinJesus
But, uh, did you just say you were in Oslo?
Who are you, Carmen San Diego?

Hehe. Ktspktsp has a business training course here in Oslo for the week, so we're checking out Norway while we can (we're spending this weekend at 70 degrees latitude!). This is our banner year for European travel... but more about that in my journal, later.