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Old 09-28-2007, 01:47 AM   #80 (permalink)
But You'll Never Prove It.
ItWasMe's Avatar
Location: under your bed
Ok, I finally made my list. We're all different, bla bla bla. If my "wish list" sounds like I am describing a family man, that is because I have been married for 12 years. Think of it as a list of things I have and appreciate, rather than a list of demands. If it sounds like I like being spoiled and pampered, I do. I adore it. But I also enjoy spoiling and pampering him, too.

Ok, in no particular order, what I want in a man:

I like romance. flowers, chocolate, opening doors, slow dancing, snuggling, backrubs, footrubs, putting his jacket over my shoulders if he thinks I am cold. All those things make my heart go pitter patter.

A man who knows that if I try to toss him onto the floor or the bed, I am supposed to win. I am pretty small, almost 5.2", and know full well that I am not much of a physical match for a 6-foot man. Besides, I am probably trying to jump his bones.

A man who knows more about cars than I do and can either fix them, or knows what to tell the mechanic. I am clueless.

Someone who likes kids (we have three) and is not afraid of changing a diaper, or feeding or bathing a small child.

Takes responsibility running the household with me, including doing chores, without acting like he is doing me a favor. I don't act like I am doing him a favor every time I go to work and pay some bills.

I enjoy someone who likes sitting on the porch, listening to the rain. Someone who enjoys watching sunsets, and laying on a blanket in the yard after dark, watching the stars.

I want someone who is fun, playful, kind, has a sense of humor, can make me laugh.

Someone who knows when to make me laugh, when to run me a bath, when to make me chicken soup, or just hold me. (and I know you don't learn this overnight)

Someone who is supporting, loving, does not withhold physical or verbal affection. I also want monogamy and fidelity. That is what works for me.

I would rather be loved and wanted, not needed. Don't get me wrong. It is nice to feel needed sometimes. But in general I would rather be "chosen" because he actually enjoys my company... instead of just, well, "there to do everything he can't do / doesn't feel like doing".

Be still my fluttering heart (and tummy) when a man can cook. Even better if he can also appreciate my cooking.

I prefer a man with some degree of confidence, but not too cocky and definitely not bossy. And someone who can communicate his needs/wants...and differentiate between his needs and his wants. The "needs" of your family should come before your "wants", just as your "needs" should come before your family's "wants." There has to be balance.

I appreciate a man who starts dinner when he gets home from work a couple of hours before I do.
I also appreciate a man who has a bubble bath ready for me in the winter, if he arrives home from work before I do.

A man who understands that I am a power tool junkie, and does not complain about it. And I will not complain if he does not know how to use them.

Someone who calls when he say he will. Who shows up when he says he will. Who will call if he is running very late, so I don't worry about him.

A romantic or sexy text message from time to time melts my heart. But don't call every free minute you have to check up on me. It's too needy.

I prefer for someone to ask me before committing us to social plans.

Leave the damn phone out of the bedroom unless you are sleeping. I'm afraid this one is a must.

I want someone who is a bit exciting or interesting. Even though I admit that I am probably a little boring.

Someoene who is either friendly or at least respectful towards other people. I pay attention to how a man treats others. Because if he is a jerk to others, odds are that he will treat me that way eventually.

A nice smelling man can make me swoon. I love mens' colognes and aftershaves. Mmmm.

I love a fireplace, but I suck at building a fire. I can't stress enough how much I appreciate a man who can build one, and keep it going.

I love having someone who takes care of me when I am sick. and lets me take care of him when he is sick. I am not just talking about bringing the advil. When I was in a car accident this summer, I was stuck in bed, loopy on pain meds. My husband ran interference for me with the insurance companies and such. Considering he was overseas in a different time zone, that meant late night emails and phone calls for him (when he was able to use the phones), which cut into his sleep a bit. And I would have done the same for him.

Ok. The End.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez

I bake cookies just so I can lick the bowl. ~ ItWasMe

Last edited by ItWasMe; 09-28-2007 at 01:48 AM.. Reason: omg, I think I have the longest list here.
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