Thread: Shoutbox?
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Old 09-27-2007, 05:05 PM   #112 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Short answer: there are lots of things that lots of people like or would like - that doesn't mean they ought to be part of the site.

Long answer: The shoutbox detracted from the chat room and unnecessarily split discussion up into two groups: chatters and shouters. The occasional firewall issue aside, the shoutbox was only marginally more convenient than clicking the "chat" link at the top of the page, so that wasn't a compelling argument for keeping it. Moderating the shoutbox was a bitch: the logs were a pain in the ass to go through so it was difficult to catch up and get context, and if/when action needed to be taken, there were not many tools at our disposal other than full-on warnings, which are not often warranted. It tended to slow down the site - sometimes only by a little, sometimes by a lot. Arguments that chat is less active were also not compelling due to the fact that chat is what you make of it. If everyone who liked using the shoutbox were to click the "chat" link and leave it open the same way they did with the shoutbox, there would be just as much discussion in there (minus the couple people who can't get into IRC from work, or who refuse to go into IRC for whatever reason). Finally, while having fun and goofing off a bit is perfectly reasonable, having it displayed at the very top of the front page for all potential new members to see as their first impression is not an effective way to highlight the relatively mature and open discussion we try to foster here. The chat room - or Tilted Nonsense - is a much more appropriate venue for that kind of enjoyment.
I really like the iPhone. I wasn't really 100% sure when it was first announced, but I had the chance to play around with one and decided that I'd like to get one. Here's the thing:I already have an iPod video. Why the hell would I want another iPod when I've already got an iPod and a cell phone?

Integration is important. While I love my iPod and my Samsung cell phone, it's a lot more simple when they are in one device in my pocket instead of two. Let's say I'm listening to Depeche Mode and I need to take a call. With the iPhone, I hit one button. I don't have to take off my headphones, pause my iPod, pull out my cell phone, and then answer. It's almost radically simple. It's convenient and I'm left wondering how I put up with my situation before I had it.

That's basically how I saw the integrated shoutbox. It was right there, as soon you you popped in to TFP, ready to go. No need to open an unstable and slow java window or to use a third party application. It's just there, and everyone is free to just dive in. I mean let's be honest, when you're in the irc chat, only a few people see it. I've never seen more than maybe 30 people, and of that maybe 10-15 active. Compare that to the shout box. Everyone who comes to the forum sees it, and they get a glimpse of those active members who have something to say without having to give it the context of a thread subject. If Giant Hamburger wants to entertain us, he bestows his juicy, delicious way of speaking without restraint. If Crompsin want's to remind us about his feelings concerning Vampires, Werwolves, and Cromp-ensteins, there you have it, a little slice of personality to greet you right on the front page. I even used the chat box from time to time and recall a wonderful conversation with Charlatan late at night (late for me, in the afternoon for him) where I left feeling like I'd helped Char feel a little closer to home.

Just food for thought. I'm feeling a bit under the weather, so I'll rest now.
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