I have all three (Yay! for disposable income) and I have to say that I get more play time out of my 360 than the other two, especially now that Halo 3 has been released.
The PS3 just doesn't have the games. Yes, Resistance is awesome, the new Ratchet and Clank comes out in October (right?) and it has a metric shit-ton of older Playstation titles in its catalog from its previous incarnations, but you can only play those two games so much I imagine, and I've already spent in inordinate amount of time with the back catalog of games.
The Wii is fun, Zelda is great and the new Metroid sounds pretty amazing, but it still just isn't enough once the novelty wears off.
The 360, however, has a pretty good catalog and excellent online play if you're brave enough to venture into it.
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