Originally Posted by tecoyah
No one is saying any such thing, And as usual you have taken a reasonable debate and exagerated the statements of your opponents to make them seem unreasonable.
I specifically asked Raveneye for clarification. We had the following exchange:
Regardless, the main point is still on the table. Is global warming and it cause worthy of discussion and further scientific evaluation or has the question been settled?
There are some questions that have been settled, and there are some questions that haven’t been settled. Yours here is one of the former.
I believe those arguing against you here, are doing so only because YOU are putting forward a belief and expecting US to have no questions. Then when we do actually question what you say, it is for the most part ignored in favor of a rewording of the same argument without any consideration of the information we provide to counter your claims.
If there are questions directed to me that I have not answered, please point them out and I will respond.
As for the time frame used to put Data in context, there are multiple studies using many different spans of time. Some go back tens of thousands of years, others only hundreds, but the strange thing is...they all show this to be the fastest and most dramatic increase in global atmospheric change ever seen.
Are we sure about that. Some speculate that a sudden climate change lead to the extinction of dinosaurs, and that it happened in a relative short period of time.
Just imagine the suprise when the comparison of CO2 with temperatures were showed to cooincide with each other almost perfectly (though some delay between increased CO2 and temp. is obviously there). Even more astounding was the exact same phenomenon taking place during previous bouts of warming....hmmmmm.
The thing is, now we are watching the change take place in decades....vs. hundreds of years or thousands. We are also watching the atmospheric CO2 change in lockstep with these temperatures, IN OUR LIFETIMES. In my humble opinion, there may very well be a pretty good case for the link virtually every scientist who studies the atmosphere agrees is there. Can you see why your opinion on this carries a bit less weight than theirs?
Global average temperatures have increased over x period of time. Norther hemisphere average temperatures have decreased in x period of time. I have not seen a good explanation of that.