yeah I think the reason the audio stuff gives me such a pause is because I'm using a lot of it for my music n such. (I almost bought more but then i was like "noo nooo no get the fuck OUT OF HERE first man!")
it doesn't help me at all that reason 4 was released last night, damn 500$ peice of software, taunting me. lol.
anyways I'm off tomorrow and saturday and I think I'll spend the time putting stuff up on craigslist.
now that I think about it, my back seats lay down so I might actually be able to get a good portion of my stuff in there (especially since I condensed from a full size tower to a laptop)
I should probably sort through my clothes though too, I'm a big guy so all those pants for the 6'6" type take up space, but a lot of them have rips i the pockets or are just really ratty,I could probably stand to reduce my wardrobe and update it too if i'm going to be spending a bit of time hitting interviews too huh? gotta dress to impress, as they say....
I'll try to remember to post pictures of my car being stuffed in a month with my stuff