Originally Posted by shesus
First lesson in relationships: You can't change the other person...never will. Either accept it or not.
She's got issues if she is constantly bothered by her weight and whining about it. DO NOT encourage her to loose weight. This WILL NOT work. You have 2 choices, next time she complains about her weight, simply tell her to shut up and do something about it, and that you don't want to hear about it anymore. That might help, where being the encouraging, supportive sap will NOT. Your other alternative is to sit down and have a good heart to heart with YOURSELF. You didn't loose weight for her, or to look better for her. You did it because it was YOUR time and YOU were ready. You've got no right to ask the same of her. You've known about this weight issue for a long time. All you are going to be by asking/cajoling/pleading/encouraging her to loose weight is an asshole. It doesn't matter that "you have her best interests at heart". Get over yourself. You don't. You want to fuck someone that isn't so gross. No problem. You can't and shouldn't change her. You need to decide if you can deal with it. If not, it's time to move on.
Oh and before anyone gets on my case about my encouraging him to be mean to this woman, PM me for a picture. I have every right. I AM her, without the freaking whining about "I'm so fat wah wah wah" If my SO came to me with a bitch like this at the point time wise he has invested in the relationship, I'd kick his ass to the curb without blinking. But you see, ** I ** don't have the issues in my head she does.
Have a nice night. Good luck with this.