09-26-2007, 07:42 PM
#1 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
Location: Manhattan, NY
Am I a heartless bastard? or not?
a post requested by a member
OK I need some advice on whether I'm a heartless bastard or not.
I've been dating my fiancee for 7 years now. We're scheduled to get married soon. I love her. I love her because I get that feeling in your chest when I imagine my life without her.
But everything isn't peachy else I wouldn't be writing this.
I love my fiancee for her personality and the way she treats me. She treats me decent, but nothing to call home about. All I want from a girl is to be treated nice. Well, that's all I thought I wanted.
You see, my fiancee is fat. She's fat to the point where most guys wouldn't have sex with her if she begged them. Now I like fat girls, but not fat to the point where her body is deformed due to the fat.
I started dating her when she was fat and I've stayed with her for almost 7 years throughout her fatitude. I'm not a skinny fellow myself, a main part of why I've stayed without complaining. She has admitted to me throughout the years that she hates her body. It ruins her day almost everyday and she is embarassed by it. She doesn't eat a lot but the fat has remained from a sudden gain when her parents got divorced years ago.
I've never had another girlfriend. I've never even been with another girl, and now I'm about to get married to a girl that is not very attractive.
I've lost a huge amount of weight recently through hard work and persistence. She won't lose weight with me. She refuses to go to the gym or workout or do any physical activity to lose weight yet she complains about being overweight all the time.
I've begged her to lose weight because I don't want to spend my entire life with 1 single girl if I want her to be more attractive.
Am I a bastard for wanting her to be more attractive by losing weight? She wasn't always overweight so I know she can lose it if she tried hard enough. I convinced her to lose weight for 2 or 3 weeks and she lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks. She quickly gained it back and refuses to lose anymore however.
I feel like I'm missing out on experiencing the female body by only being with one single girl before I get married that is extremely overweight.
How can I get her to lose weight? Should I not be wanting her to lose weight? I think that since I put forth the effort to lose weight and be better looking for her, she should do the same for me.
I just can't imagine going through my entire life never knowing what it was like to have an attractive girl.
I will marry her either way. I love her and am devoted to her and would never break her heart. I simply can't deny my wants for a more physically attractive partner though. She's not ugly, simply overweight. What should I do?????"