Originally Posted by Ustwo
If you are a believer why would you CARE?
Ummm... Why wouldn't I care? If Jesus lamented the death of Lazarus then why shouldn't I lament the death of a love one?
Death should be a celebration, a triumph, a graduation of sorts.
It is, but not in the way you want to portray it.
If you believe in God and an afterlife then death shouldn't be a time for tears and needing comfort, in fact you should be jealous if anything as they are now free from the devils temptations, they are one with god!
*Points all the way upwards*
Seriously. Now you're just being absurd bordering on callous.
Of course, almost no one is like that (though some in fact are), most 'religious' people at best are uncertain deep inside, and I guarantee if you gave out pills that caused one to be immortal very few would turn them down.
It has very little to do with uncertainty. The allure of living forever simply appeals to one's inner-most desire; A desire, mind you, that is shared by all living organisms.