shesus is so very much everything that is right in this crazy old world, that she's one of very few tfp'ers whose name on the 'new posts' list could pull me into a thread of this nature.
she's inciteful without being pretentious, and she doesn't take a lot of bullshit. and she's really quite funny while doing it.
edit: i was just chastened by someone that we're being too nice in the 'newbie' thread vs. the 'say something nice' thread.
so the real deal on shesus is that she's a grafitti tag artist, and has been since she was 5...back when she lived in north carolina. she and some of her 'gang' buddies went down and wrote 'fuck tang, unless it's poon-tang or wu-tang' on the side of the challenger space shuttle.
the piece they tagged later deteriorated under the conditions of emerging from the earth's atmosphere, and the consequences are rather well documented. that was '87, i believe.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style
Last edited by pig; 09-25-2007 at 08:22 PM..