When it comes to etiquette, there's what folks in the military call tact. Going by the dictionary, it's defined as, "a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations." More basically, it's the art of getting your point across to somebody who has more stripes than you without losing your own stripes. Radical honest lacks tact and to me, seems designed to piss people off just for the sake of it. How productive can that really be?
Cameron originally envisioned the Terminator as a small, unremarkable man, giving it the ability to blend in more easily. As a result, his first choice for the part was Lance Henriksen. O. J. Simpson was on the shortlist but Cameron did not think that such a nice guy could be a ruthless killer.
-From the Collector's Edition DVD of The Terminator