This whole thread had become an interesting discussion on a very real and disturbing condition. I have already stated my general thoughts on the subject, and since some people have brought up an interesting point on society progression, I will add this:
We as a Western society are trying to do our best to protect the children as a whole against child exploitation(child labour as well as child pornography)
As a general rule, most states support age of concent at around 17, and child porn laws for anyone under the age of 18. I have heard many comments that generally state "if anyone has thoughts of having sex with a minor, then they are sick." And in TODAY'S society, I would tend to agree. However It is a progression of sorts. It was less than 100 years ago that in our own country, girls were considered "old maids" if they were not married and poping out children by the age of 14. Of course this was also based on the fact that the average age of death was only in the 40s. So as we progress in lifestyle and developmental progression we have changed the societal norm to a more reasonable age. Who knows? In another 100 years we may raise the age of concent to 21 for sex! Then are we suddenly going to say that those who have sex with a 20 year old are sick? I hope I am getting my point across...but do you all see what I mean?
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison