Man, I was gonna post this a few weeks ago but never got around to it.
I think it's actually pretty interesting, though moreso as an exercise than a way of life. Being radically honest for a period of time can open the doorway into realizing it's ok to say what you're thinking more often than you think.
Great, so now there's another excuse to be rude.
Having read the full article, this doesn't actually seem to be true. It can be mistaken that way - and was by the author - but the guy who is promoting this "radical honesty" basically says that you need to be absurd when you say things, this way it also disarms the people you're addressing. Honestly, it made me think of Patrick Bateman (American Psycho). Waitress comes over, "How's your coffee sir?" Man responds, smiling, "Actually, it's fucking terrible and I'd like a new cup." The smile, of course, is key
If you haven't actually read the article before responding, please do so. Because, as misguided as this concept may or may not be, it is not about simply being rude, and that is explicitly pointed out later in the article.