I just finished watching it... and as an insanely huge fan of Family Guy, I about died laughing the entire way through.
The extended singing portion, and the extended couch gag... classic Family Guy. I loved every second of it.
And it had an awesome sort of MST3K quality about it, with them just stepping out of the moment to crack on what's going on, rather than doing cut-aways... poking fun at what even the biggest Star Wars fans have been puzzling over for years.
They also did an incredible job doing shot-for-shot remakes of a lot of scenes, plus the way the graphics were done. A truly beautiful cartoon.
Now, sure, this episode isn't for everyone- hell, Family Guy isn't for everyone. Some people don't see humor in doing almost-unbearably-lengthy jokes and cutaways... and they don't really appreciate absurdist humor, which makes up a decent portion of the randomness.
But really, it's the criticism about those things that points out exactly why Family Guy is so great- NO tv show is perfect for every demographic and every person's taste... and they don't sacrifice anything in their show to attempt to make it so. They know who they're targeting and who the show is for, and they make the show for those people. I think it's a large reason why so many shows on TV are so incredibly bland and uninteresting... they're trying too hard to pack in something for literally EVERYONE, and end up with a mesh of nonsense that's less entertaining because of it.
Some shows say no- every joke is aimed at our target audience (and the target is not set at "everyone"), and we either make a fan or they change the channel. I agree with this- better someone dislikes it and others love it, than it get sterilized for mass consumption and end up like The Simpsons. (That's right, I said it.)