Since when does it say we have the right to free speach, and the right to avoid all reprocussions from other citizens using their own right to free speach.
Sorry, the Supreme Court ruled that the donation of money is a freedom of speech. This idiot said fuck bush, and the businesses said fuck this kid. Yes, it's a business decision because there is no free lunch. It costs money to print the paper, with expensive machines, ink, computers, etc. If it were funded by government money, it would fall under the no political bias category, and would have lost their public funding because of it. Since it's not, there is no way the paper would have continued to exist had they allowed this kid to print dribble like this.
So what would you rather happen? The paper, and all of the dozens of kids to be fired and refused journalism experience necessary to get a job post-college? How about go all the way Left, relying on donations from or other items, at which the college itself would lose massive amounts of alumni donations, and thus drag down the entire college?
All because of one idiot kid? Sorry, I have no sympathy.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas