I expressed an opinion here and another politics forum a year or so ago that Ahmadinejad's public statements have been conveniently mistranslated for our consumption. If you really want to rile the majority of American's, inferring the intention of a literal attack against Israel is the way to go. You can be certain that I was accused of being far worse than a "looney liberal" for the opinion.
Another thought I expressed was that his discourse on the holocaust was also not to be taken literally, but as rhetorical device based upon logical principals. IF, the holocaust occurred (which of course, it did), THEN those that took the lives and property of the European Jews must return that property to the survivors. Ergo, if the holocaust occurred, why were the European Jews given the property of the Palestinians? That question is the fundamental basis of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the Middle East and has earned the "West" so many enemies within the region.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007