Originally Posted by jennaboo4u
Do you mean that faith doesn't help people? Death is hard no matter what. But, believing that you're going to see your loved one after they die in heaven, and that they're looking down on you helps you overcome the fact that they are gone.
I mean, if people really
believed in their religions they would find out someone had cancer and throw a party in celebration. Soon that person would be free from the potential of sin and hell and now be one with god.
Just imagine the reaction of you congratulated someone whos kid had cancer. By logical extension of religious thought, that child will go to the grace of god without facing the temptations of adult sinning, if life is but a tiny fraction of the eternal what matters 70 years of life compared to an eternity in heaven?
Now mind you there are some people with this level of faith or as I like to say blissful delusion, but they are looked upon as nutjobs by the population as a whole.