Originally Posted by squirrelyburt
stay with the KISS principle, ''keep it simple, stupid''... for new a newby to guns, revolvers are easier and consistantly reliable. Glocks come in a strong second as far as ease of use. Charger01 gave you a good list, find a gun shop and shoot a few, find what fits you. A .22 will kill a person as fast as a .45, just practice, practice, practice!!
I realize this was said over 2 years ago, but I dont understand how anyone can possibly believe that. Look at the simple physics behind kinetic energy. Two projectiles moving the same velocities with differing masses will have differing energies behind each of them. Dumping 500 j of energy from a .45 round will have a much more devestating effect vs 150 j from a .22 round.
Take a look at any of the ballistics gel comparisons between various ammunition rounds, and it's clearly apparent as to what's a better stopper.