The corn subsidy results in a surplus of corn. Not eating corn but corn that can be processed. Corn is a starch and as such, when broken down can be made into all sort of things.
Sugars made from corn are cheaper because of the subsidy on growing. But what has been done is that instead of just replacing cane sugar with hfcs, they are also using it in places it was never used before. For example, bread. It is used in processed breads to get them to go golden brown (sugar carmelizes).
While I have been reading lately about the difficulty our bodies have processing the stuff, it is the doubling up of sugar into recipes that has been alarming. Increasing the calories in a bottle of coke, etc.
As for Subway, just like McDonald's, they are as much of a problem in the mass industrialization of meats and processing. They add to the problems that are being caused in our food chain by massive feed lots and the potentially hazardous farming, processing and general supply of meats in north america.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke