It's not ambiguous, really.
Your style is not anyone else's. I do a lot of what's referred to as 'journalistic' photography, although that is not what I sell, so methods are different for that as opposed to artistic.
That's not to say the way to get shots has to be different. When shooting a landmark, maybe holding a camera over one's head would get something really cool.
Another thing I tend to do is not focus on the obvious. A great scene shot might have one little nuance and for some reason, I tend to find it. My daughter does the same thing-I might be shooting a cool fence and she's kneeling down shooting a piece of the same thing that she found unusual. I'm actually learning from her about seeking and looking at things differently while she learns from me about 'lying down, getting as close as possible', squatting and twisting the camera angles.
Another 'technique' I use when I'm trespassing. I photograph a lot of abandoned places. If there's windows, I set the aperature pretty low, place the lens squarely on the glass panes and shoot. The dirty panes give a great effect to the shot most times plus acts as a 'monopod', keeping the camera steady.