Originally Posted by squeeeb
i still feel like i'm throwing a vote away as a libertarian, i might as well not vote, since the libertarian party will most likely never get control of anything...
Maybe...maybe not. A couple of points, though. As long as you are voting your conscience you are not throwing your vote away. Whether or not your candidate has a hope in hell of winning is not the point. If enough people that believed in the Libertarian candidate would actually vote for that candidate, then the chance
is there. The only votes that are thrown away are the votes not cast, and the votes cast just to be part of the "winning team".
Oh, and congratulations to you, squeeeb, for excercising your rights as a citizen and standing up and being heard. Wearing that little "I Voted Today" sticker, after you visit the polls, carries a certain sense of pride with it. You'll see.