I lie down, get as close as i can....
I also squat, stoop, turn the camera at an angle(great for when subjects don't fit in any conventional view) and pull photos apart. Since you probably shoot in RAW, you can zoom in on any interesting portion and crop:
I really like turning the camera sort of catty-cornered so that the subject fits upper left to lower right. Of course, it doesn't work for everything-motorcycles or traintracks, yes, and even the occasional building, but people and animals, for instance, it doesn't work most times.
I also shoot 'blind'-I take a chance at not seeing exactly what I'm shooting. For instance, at parties or any large gathering, I place the camera over my head as far as I can reach, approximate the lens and click away:
A woman at this event saw me doing it and started doing it herself(I had seen Bruce Weber do it years ago at a party. He just walked around, camera over his head and shot.)
Your techniques feed your style and as your style changes, so will the techniques you need. I will try different angles and settings on one thing and make the choice later. Some photographers are known for how they shoot-someone could see those great photos of yours and know they're "JumpinJesus' photos". But if you prefer to consistently change how you work, then...just change it. It's the passion for it that matters, after all.