Originally Posted by analog
It's interesting that this thread kept meandering towards discussing teenage sex, when that's not at all what it's about. It's predictable, though, because the premise of the thread was calling out the practices of bad parents.
Parents are quick to squelch discussion about proper parenting... because when logic says "doing x, y, and z makes you an idiot of a parent" and they, themselves, do x, y, or z, they have to ignore that logic and try to change the subject.
It's like bringing up the idiocy of smoking in front of kids. Everyone in the room is ok with someone saying, "smoking in front of your kids is not only terribly bad for their health, but makes it look acceptable for them to do" until you get the one parent who DOES smoke in front of their kids, and then you're an asshole for "telling someone how to raise their kids". lol
Considering the entire negative point of the opening post was parents giving their kids unrestricted, unsupervised, limitless internet access on a personal computer, I'm curious how anyone can justify to themselves that "doing what you can" would not include keeping all computer access to central areas of the home where they can't be doing shit like this.
It's a faulty premise. You've noticed a lot more underaged girls in the porn you look at, so when did people stop paying attention to their kids? That is not a logically constructed argument, unless by "pay attention to their kids" you mean 24/7, which is a completely unrealistic expectation to have.
I know you think yourself fit to judge the quality of a parent by the behavior of the child, but really, unless you know a whole lot more about a particular child's life experiences you really aren't in a position to make any credible assumptions about that child's parent's parenting abilities. Really. If you don't understand why this is the case you should stop telling yourself that you are a competent judge of human behavior. You don't know shit about any of these girls, and the fact that you think you are in a position to judge their family situation based on the fact that you've seen their nipples is beyond just ridiculous, it's fucking arrogant and ridiculous.
I you really want to know why there are more underage girls in the porn you look at you need look no further than the fact that it is really easy to put naked pictures of yourself online. You do not need unrestricted, unsupervised, limitless internet access to a personal computer to put naked pictures of yourself on the internet. You don't even need a computer, a phone with a camera will work just fine.