Originally Posted by tecoyah
So regardless of the Morality you seem to be projecting, It really comes down to Money, and control?
No. No, that's not it at all. It's hard to advocate a 'choice' in which one party doesn't have it. Still, I must ask, isn't forcing a man to pay for a child he doesn't want a manner of 'control based on money'? Why, yes. I think it is. Who knew...? Isn't that the same thing you're vehemently arguing against. Really. Just how hypocritical can one person be?
Originally Posted by tecoyah
Chances are (in my opinion) those calling themselves Pro-Life would go back to ignoring the inevitable results of banning abortion, and dwell smugly in the victory they have won. Its far easier to be happy about all the baby jesus' you saved, than to watch the suffering inflicted by the process.
In a perfect world there'd be no such incidents. Of course, the world isn't perfect and any action is going to have it's negatives. The question is whether or not the positives will outweight the negatives. Unless you believe that everyone who gets an abortion would still seek them out and not pursue other, more fetus-friendly measures then you've no logical basis to say how 'horrible' it would be. What did people do before abortion existed?
But, you know, this thread is starting to peeve me a bit. Why does the following concept seem so hard to understand (Even though we men have been told it time and time again)?
If you don't want a kid, keep your legs closed. Duh!
There. Just had to get that out one more time.