For the purpose of the clarification of biological terms, most of you are interchanging vague references to a fetus, baby, or child when discussing abortion. I do appreciate the value of human life, and can still laugh when masturbation is offered as a waste of one's seed.
The moral argument does boil down to when life begins, and I doubt there will ever be consensus on that. For myself, the argument truly resides in who gets to choose the outcome of an unwanted pregnancy. It certainly isn't my decision or anyone else here to judge that choice. Furthermore, the government should never have a place in that decision or any other that intrudes upon a patient and doctor decision.
Today, abortion is a legal and highly restricted procedure. Without that small bit of legality, we would return to the back alley abortionists that my mother and I endured in the early '60's.
Moral outrage regarding abortion does not impress me, given that most who express it have never known the need of an illegal abortion, or are men that will never face that particular choice within their own body.
It's about choice, people, and who gets to make that choice.
"You can't ignore politics, no matter how much you'd like to." Molly Ivins - 1944-2007