Originally Posted by raveneye
Yup. Funny thing about data, you can pretend it doesn't exist as much as you want, but it still doesn't go away.
Yup, funny thing about all the other facts that are known that you don't seem to be concerned with.
Like the fact this is a normal cycle in the earth's temperatures.
Like methane contributes to this as well.
Like Atmospheric circulation bringing warmer air to the poles.
Like normal ocean currents bringing warmer water to the poles.
Like clearing sulfuric aerosols from two large volcanic explosions(1982 and 1991) are allowing more direct sunlight into the atmosphere.
Like increased solar activity, which is known to have a direct impact on temperatures.
Like differences in global orbits and the angle of tilt of the axis cause more direct sun to be shining on the planet, causing warmer temperatures.
Like cutting down large wooded areas which contribute to warmer temperatures.
Like water vapor in the atmosphere, which is responsible for trapping twice as much heat as CO2 emissions.
All of those factors, which with the exception of the loss of forests are 100% out of the hands of MAN, contribute to global warming.