Originally Posted by pig
edit: just saw the bit on trespassing and so forth. that actually strikes me as odd...that a student at a university can be trespassing on school grounds, but i guess so. i still think he has the right to protest that removal, and that the appropriate response is not a taser in the ass.
Not only that, but being asked to leave the building by a few guards doesn't necessarily means the owner of the land is saying you cannot be on the property. I think calling it trespassing is asking a lot, almost as much as disturbing the peace. The police were the ones disturbing the peace by using excessive force. BTW, it's not unreasonable to yell when you're being tased.
BTW, if someone shot me with a microwave weapon, they would melt my artificial aorta and would be directly responsible for my death. I'd hardly call a microwave weapon non-lethal.