well as much as I'd LOVE to see a real effective heath care system in place, I'm on the fence on this one. basically, take our legal system for example. I've never really been in and out of a courtroom aside from paying speeding tickets (my car is fast, what can I say?) I guess public defenders are pretty much the bottom feeders of the legal system, no one thinks highly of them, and even though they are there for a good "ideal" cause of equal justice for all, many people just bash on them for being fairly worthless. I would assume if we halfass it into some sort of basic health care system for everyone, it would shoot the need for new basic practice doctors through the roof, and thus we'd wind up with a bunch of half-wit's misdiagnosing people and prescribing the wrong meds to people, I don't know. I just think if something like this goes in to place, it needs to go into place correctly.
this seems to tie a bit into the thread where people were discussing thier faith in police officers to resolve issues and crimes as well, another public tax paid service. pretty rough if you think about the shoddyness many of us have actually encountered with our public services.