Originally Posted by dksuddeth
alot of states have specific statutes declaring that deadly force in any situation is not a defense for using it against law enforcement....but quite a few still do. texas is one of them, though it is strictly limited and defined. what most states and courts fail to take in to account with LEO confrontations is that any human being has the natural right of self preservation.
I agree that a person should have the right to defend their life, sorta. Leaving that alone, I'll let a cop treat me like shit up to a point. Maybe he or she is having a really bad day, and they do risk their lives for people. If they attack me for breaking no law, though, I should be able to stop them. I'm not interested in waiting until I've been beaten or killed. Having my family sue the police department really won't bring me back or heal me. I'm physically capable of reasonably defending myself should I be attacked. Meh.