Originally Posted by dksuddeth
really? good public policy for the betterment of all, in this age of terrorism, could dictate that the 4th amendment needs to be suspended so that all suspected terrorists and terrorist sympathizers homes, papers, bank accounts, and all other personal effects could be searched to ensure public safety. The 5th and 6th could be suspended, that way we could detain indefinitely all suspected terrorists and sympathizers to ensure public safety. The 1st could be suspended to ensure that rags like the NYtimes don't reveal classified information putting us all in grave danger.
I repeat, the constitution was created to PROTECT our rights against 'public policy'. why do you want to throw it away?
dk....once again, you take things to the absurd in your misguided defense of the Constitution. The extreme examples you cited all have Constitutional implications. Hilary's health care plan does not.
Providing tax credits for working families is not unconstitutional
Providing tax incentives to small businesses is not unconstitutional.
Providing greater access to large health pools or the federal employees health care program is not unconstitutional.
Upgrading and modernizing the health care system is not unconstitutional.
These are among the thousands of public policy issues discussed and debated in Washington and around the country every day that have absolutely nothing to do with Constitutional rights.