Originally Posted by Icanbreathe
The oral fixtation thing is a trip!
I keep peppermints and gum.
If crackhead can quit so can we!
Congrats on the freedom... I freed myself from my own stupidity on the same exact day (8-6-7).
I don't know if you're still around on this forum, but drop the peps and the gum as well... don't replace your addiction. Your subconcious derives the same habitual addiction to the pepermints and gum as the cigarettes did. Now when you don't have peps or you can't find a piece of gum, you'll panic and trigger cigarette cravings because of the subconcious stress.
this goes for any replacement, excercise, drinking a glass of water, etc.
just be about it and drop the bullshit... no need to get fancy with your quit