Dave let me explain what you did that prompted me to post in this thread.
Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
Its unfortunate that anything without a solid basis in science is not well received on this board.
That one word. Normally I'll let people who believe in something like this be, I know I wont' make any inroads with a forum post with that type of person, but, when someone claims that its unfortunate that this board doesn't just accept anything without a solid scientific basis I can't just let that go. Perhaps the one thing that keeps me thinking about tfp now and then even when I'm taking a long break is that there are people here willing to use their heads now and then and bring a bit of rational thought into their lives.
Sometimes tfp gets a bit nutty, but I've been pleasently surprised as well. When someone was going to a quack of a chiropractor doing some 'new-age' eastern medicine BS there were a lot of voices willing to express it as such. In the past I've run into a lot of brick walls when it comes to chiropractors and eastern medicine (you know the guys who are driving species to extinction thinking it will help their erections), so when they combined I figured it would be the prefect shit storm of irrational new age thought. Instead TFP came threw.
Its not
unfortunate that so many TFPers require at least some verifiable proof before they believe something, but extremely refreshing.