I had a dog named Hobbes.
What bad thing happened to him you might ask? Well, I am sitting here right now. About a month after i had to give him back to the shelter, being unable to find him another home and moving home myself. Then calling to see if i could get the number of the people who adopted him, so i may once more be able to get him back after I got a job and was able to move out of my house.
Instead of getting a number, i recieved the words " I'm sorry but unfortunatly your dog did not make it." What raced through my mind was WHAAATT???!! WTF?! I hung up the phone knowing that I had not only failed to give my little boy a forever home, but I had let him die. He was waiting there for me to go back and get him and i LET HIM DIE. I can't blame my parents for being deathly allergic, or my friends for not wanting him, or my relatives for their dislike of dogs. I can only blame myself. I, who looked down upon those for giving up their family members, had become that which i despised.
I am sickened by myself. Ive waited years to save a dog from the pound and have lifetime friend. And I was only able to provide him with 1 and a half years of life. I hate myself every morning and every night the most. As these were the times I woke up to take hobbesy to pee and poo and then once again before we went to bed. I hate myself in the day when I see other people with their dogs. Knowing not only did i give up my family member but I sent him to die.
I can't post in the rainbow bridge thread because I feel like that would shame other owners, those that saw their dog or cat to and end due to old age or illness. Those are the owners that have the right to post there. I have no right. I gave up the only family that ever loved me unconditionally. The only one that was ever there. I didn't even take him to the dog beach or the dog park one last time because i was tired, settling for a jog and tag in the back yard. I'm such a fuking dumbass.
I could go on and on, but this doesn't even need to bother others.
So in the end, to give an answer to the question proposed in this thread,
I , I , I am the bad, no, I am the WORST thing, that happened to this good
Sorry lil boy, I failed you. But fuck do I miss you and wish i could see you again.