I completely understand where you are coming from. I grew up in a paranoid asian family where it was really hard to make friends. But since graduating from highschool, I learned something very valuable about myself that can be helpful to you.
I put on a "facade" of who I want to be when I meet new people. Technically I am not "being someone else" because this person is who I want to be. It's kind of the idea of pretending to be a braver person in order to become a braver person.
I made many friends in university and I never really have to be someone else because once you by pass that initial stage and they have befriended you, it's almost locked in.
But by all means, in order for this to work, you have to go out. Join clubs. Find some sort of organization that means a lot to you. Go to the women's center at the school. There are so many resources at colleges and universities that should not be overlooked.