Originally Posted by dksuddeth
all a matter of 'because you said so'? guess that settles it then.
There are Constitutional backdoors for everything, including universal healthcare. One could easily interpret "promote the general welfare" to include, but not be limited to, universal healthcare. Boom, done. Constitutional.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
So we can safely assume that you and your pursuit of socialism is about doing away with freedom of choice?
It's not black and white. The US isn't socialist enough, of course, but we couldn't operate in a pure socialist system (if there is such a thing). What you said above is still meaningless. Government gave the world roads. So there, boom, you're wrong.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If you consider that ad hominen, then you better thicken your skin some, and that does answer your question. Sorry you can't see it.
Ad hominem is a logical fallacy. In other words, what you said had flawed logic. It has nothing to do with thick skin, it has to do with arguing a point that makes no sense.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
so instead of trying to remove the impediments of a 'class society', you intend to cement it in to being with your full support. The health insurance industry is the reason we have the screwed up health care system as it is. If you'd like to see health care be available to all and at reasonable prices, do away with the power that the health insurance industry has over the way medical issues are handled.
Socialism is anti-class by nature. Capitalism supports a class system by nature. It's not a rule, but they each tend to be that way in theory and practice. So, actually, universal healthcare is anti-classism. And you can see that in Canada, the UK, and especially France (where everyone is treated like they're millionaires, it's nuts).
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
If you still get bad medical care and you make that much, then i'd see about changing your policy, cause damn!!!!
I have one of the best programs Kaiser offers. I also happen to have had a coarctation of the aorta repair done. That kind of medical condition tends to complicate things.