Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Will, i've been reading your posts on this thread and they all convey the same theme....reliance and dependence upon government agencies and their people. This is completely opposite of what this country was supposed to be.
Is this going to be one of those things where you tell everyone what you think the founding fathers were thinking?
The founding fathers weren't gods, and if they screwed up, it's up to us to fix it.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
You ask about relying on police and fire forces. I say no. two reasons why.
1) I can protect myself and my family, provided i'm not being restricted and regulated out of the ability to do so by my supposedly 'out for my best interests' government.
So what are you doing to end mob violence in the great lakes areas? And what are you doing to prevent guns from getting into the hands of violent criminals? How many red light violators have you pulled over in the past month? Do you show up on command to the scenes of robberies, follow clues and collect evidence, make an arrest, and turn over the perp to the judicial system?
You, dk, are not a reasonable replacement for a real police force. Stop pretending you are. Seriously.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
2) No court has held these government agencies responsible or liable for failure to do said objective, so why on earth should I be forced to rely on them for protection and services?
So you're saying the judicial system has never prosecuted a federal or state agency?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
public roadways, etc.) this is what every single vehicle property tax, vehicle registration, inspection stickers, etc. were supposed to provide. It doesn't, as is evident by the numerous proposals that come up every legislative year to afford government to increase revenue to provide these services. What is happening to continually keep the government from coming up short on providing said services adequately?
Yes, that's what taxes provide. Socialized roadways. What is happening? They tax us. They do their job, and we pay for it in taxes. That's how government works.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
To also coin an argument that many government dependent people like to use, where is the right to medical care in the constitution?
The right to life is in the Declaration of Independence. You know, the paper that explained why we wanted to start our own country?
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
The many groups who are pushing to get unconstitutional programs like socialized medicine or universal healthcare are the same groups of people who existed back in the times of slavery and before.
Oh my god. Unconstitutional? Where do you get the idea this is unconstitutional?!
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
The bottom line is that universal healthcare will ruin healthcare for most of the population. It will be handled like social security. When the government realizes that they can't afford it, they will cut benefits. They will continue to cut the minimum amount of benefits in order to NOT piss off the populace and to keep the health insurance industry profitable.
Healthcare already is ruined, and it's been proven in every other western country that universal health care works. Even governments much more poor than our own can easily afford it.