prophecy: exactly. your 'connection' cut off when he died, shocking your system, thus awakening you.
how many people here have known something is just not right with someone we are 'connected' to?
another example:
one of my best friends and I connected. she lives about 1,200 miles from me. if i felt sick, she'd call with no tip off. if something happened to her, i'd feel it. I'd call and find out what is wrong.
I do not mean like 'oh yeah i broke a nail' or a sittuation where you can throw any possibility to fit. i'm talking possible serious effects. a friend was devestated once, thought she had aids: I felt it. she had a really bad fight with her b/f. i felt it.
to deny our sight of such instincts, of such evidence screaming "look at me" is just insane.