Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
Many members would rather avoid discussing anything on the fringe of logic because of the overwhelming need of other members to post a calculated scientific retort to all such inquiries.
I don't know what else to say but, that is their loss. If you believe in something or wish to discuss something, I don't see why anyone else having an opposing opinion (regardless of how passionate) should effect your belief system (unless your belief is just that shaky to begin with).
The point is, people are not always going to understand or believe in the same things you will (that's the universal you). To seek out only those who share your point of view is limitation to personal growth and probably one of the more nasty sides to a conservative mind set (nasty in that most don't see it as conservative... or see that they have such a lazy way of interacting with a difference of opinion).
But perhaps that's just me.
(and yes, I think this should go both ways in a discussion)