Married just over 10 years... it ranges from once a month to once every 3 months these last 5-6 years. Definitely NOT enough... although she gets angry when I masturbate (even though I invite her to join me).
(We are both in our mid-30s)
She is my best friend, I love her dearly.
When we do have sex it is excellent! She says it is great as well. I would say she orgasms, at least 60% of the time. I would aim for 100% but she says that she doesn't NEED to orgasm all of the time.
It used to be that I could do it for her although over the last couple of years her orgasm involves more involvement on her part it seems. Maybe I need Viagara.
When we were first married we had sex once a week. After the first year it started to get less and less.
There have been three times we have had sex more then once a week and one of those times was during our honeymoon. The other time was while we were on vacation before the kids came along. And the other, I am sure it must have happened at least one other time but can't recall.
She just says, "No, I am too tired." or "I don't feel well". In fact she says it before we even get to bed... she knows I won't bother asking because I dislike acting affectionate and then having her tell me, "Don't get your hopes up."
And I do act affectionate with her w/o any strings attached... I give her massages, cuddling, loving, etc without expecting to get anything in return. So it is not like she is "starving" for that. We also spend quite a bit of time talking about stuff, her work, my work, our kids, our future, etc.
I find it ironic though... I waited to have sex until I was married... and now I don't have all that much sex.
Ideal for me would be 1-2 times a week.
Although I would be very happy if she would even just not get mad when I masturbate or even maybe help me out (not intercourse, just being there with me).
Lately, over the last few months I have found my sex drive has taken a nose dive. I guess I am to the point now of just not caring that much.
And yes, we have talked about it. But it is not like I can or would force her to have sex with me more since she is not going to change. I am still learning to cope with it.
When I really think about it, it makes me pretty sad. Actually I get bitter first then I get sad.
She is an excellent mother and wife, except for the lack of sex.