Originally Posted by willravel
Distribution of goods (food), no individual ownership... sounds like apes are kinda socialist.
You don't know primate ethology.
Food is given yes, but as currency, it buys sex and it buys allies to work in the power structures at hand.
There is no individual ownership (outside of females of course) because what exactly is an ape going to own? The dominant ones control the best food supply so you can say they 'own' that, and they control the matings, so you can say they own that to.
Lessor males support dominant ones in chimps so they may overcome other groups of males and that 'group' reaps the rewards.
Rival troops are chased out of territory or killed.
There is a spectacular case of learned cannibalism being taught mother to daughter.
Working together for the common good as it applies to your own direct wellbeing isn't socialism its capitalism. You scratch my back and pick the lice, and I'll do the same for you. There is no hypothetical 'greater good', no needs of the many, just the needs of each individual being met based on what they bring to the table.