Originally Posted by archetypal fool
You've reached an important point - If you haven't already, I suggest you read The Selfish Gene (Dawkins) - he actually comes to the same example of bees/termites/etc., and does allude heavily to the queen-slave relationship. The entire "selfish gene" theory makes sense to me - and you've already come to a similar conclusion that the genes are the beneficiaries of evolution. I'll write more about that later when I'm done on this ethics paper I'm writing.
Actually I've already read a number of Dawkins works and Matt Riddley as well, though I haven't' read the selfish gene. I suppose its obvious, something already known, but I was so focused on the kin selection idea I didn't see it for what it really is as it applies to social insects (and the infamous naked mole rats).
Really interestingly you can't even say that socialism works in nature, there is no specialized socialist society in nature. Only the more standard dominance and commerce based ones we seem to have evolved with. (and for the side lines, apes do have commerce in gifts of food as well as sex).