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Old 09-18-2007, 08:44 PM   #17 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by DaveMatrix
Thanks Ustwo & albania. We've all heard the scientific rhetoric a million times on this board, we all know all about it. With that being said, maybe we should give the OPer, ngdawg, LadySage and others a little respect, and a chance to post, even though we don't agree with their views. Bringing up the same old tired scientific axiom argument or the completely useless invisible tea cup analogy isnt helpful, tactful or needed in this thread, IMO. If you dont think this is a valid topic, find another topic that you think is.
I'm sorry I won't use that 'logic' thing anymore, its offensive.'

Edit: You know this requires a bit more explanation.

Lets say you want to believe some unprovable thing, hell lets say you want to have it somehow decide what you want to do in life, thats fine. What you do or believe is your own problem.

Astrology doesn't work like that though. Its not what someone does for themselves, but for others. The more society is polite and accepts this kind of thing as somehow worthy of at least respect, the more will assume there must be 'something' to it.

I'd rather not have someone taking their kid to an astrologer to give them career counseling. I'd also guess the most common questions revolve around love and money and do we really want demonstrably unqualifiedly people giving that sort of advice?

We live at a time when scientists are really discovering the stuff of the universe and what life is made of, and yet more people believe in ghosts and astrology than they did in the 60's. Something is very wrong with that.

At what point do we say enough is enough and its great that you have this 'belief' but I am not going to be polite about it, its false, its silly, and its at best a waste of time and at worst harmful?

You know my guess is some people have gotten good advice from astrologers, but its not based on some long flawed star chart but just normal human interaction. Why should we coat in some mystic fluff and not just state it for what it was?

And finally, astrology isn't something that is done for free by a lot of these people. Its a money making venture. If someone is selling snake oil you want that known, if a drug doesn't do what it says it may make the national news, and astrology does not do what it advertises. That makes it a scam in my book and worthy of public scrutiny at a 'scientific' level.

Yes I'm not being 'nice', but I am being honest, I'm not going to pretend I find anything of value in astrology, nor do I want someone else to think 'hey maybe I should look into that'.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

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Last edited by Ustwo; 09-18-2007 at 10:27 PM..
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