I've been tempted to key the people who park in the "unofficial" loading zone for Domino's delivery drivers. they bring thier goddamn hummer pulling a boat behind it and take up 4 parking spaces so they can walk two blocks down the road and eat at some fancy resturaunt while disrupting the flow of our delivery drivers EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT.
It's quite aggrivating, technically, yeah, they can park there, but they're being rude, it's quite obvious that delivery drivers are constantly pulling in and out of this sidewalk parking. its usually open though because we're so busy on friday nights that there are no cars there.
oh well, our boss doesn't care enough to work with the town to make it a loading zone. he entertained the idea for a while because it upset him too but he doesn't have to deal with it because he doesn't have to park a block from the store to pick up his next delivery, i do.
I'm going to be so happy when I get out of that place.