Originally Posted by Leto
My car sales guy told me that's why the colour grey or silver is so popular. It doesn't show the scratches like other colours.
The only down side is that you end up with a grey or silver coloured vehicle. Not only is it ugly, it terribly common.
Hey now..I drive a Silver bug, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Anyways, be thankful all they're doing is keying your car hun.
Last year my car was hit 4 times since moving to the godforsaken city of Lubbock.
1st Time: I was parked in a regular spot, nothing out of the ordinary and I come back and my cars taillight is hanging out and my bumper has been pushed onto my back wheel as well as cracking the paint.
2nd Time: I parked in a Target parking lot, someone decides there isn't enough space to back out and hits my car on the OTHER side of my bumper and knocks that taillight out. No note, nothing. I called the security office to ask about the cameras and stuff but apparently the camera was moving when this incident happened. Man I ever find who did it, I'd sue the hell out of em.
3rd Time: I was in the vehicle this time, I was going home for Thanksgiving and I was looking for a parking spot at the airport. Well the guy infront of me decides hes going to backup, surely theres no one behind him, except you know me. So I've got someone behind me, I can't back up and he keeps going , I'm honking my horn and he slams into me. I had to catch me flight so I told him to just go and I called him an idiot on his way back to the car. So yes people, look before you backup.
4th Time: Car got a door opened up on it.
So theres my story, don't complain about your key marks...it could be other peoples bumpers instead.
Oh and to top it off my parents don't me to just DEAL with it since it's just half a cars worth of cracked paint and pushed in bumpers.